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Business Information Session
GET THE BIG PICTURE” Information Session

Join us for a free, no obligation introductory information session on this exciting business opportunity.

This presentation could change your life.

Presented by: Go Imaging

Presenter: Jim Gaudry

Jim Gaudry has spent many years in the printing and graphics industry. His background covers sales, production, marketing and trade supply. As one of the of principals of ITI he worked on the design team that developed the goimaging business program and developed the technologies that makes up the operating system.

I wish someone had developed a system like this for other parts of the graphics industry that I was involved with over the years. All you have to do with this is concentrate on the business, all the hard work is done, everything works.” says Jim about the Go Imaging System. “Now with the involvement of Kodak in our industry, quality has taken a quantum leap forward, media and ink costs have come down and a continuous supply of high quality materials is assured”

His presentation is lively and fast paced and filled with examples taken from the daily activities of this amazing business.

Get an all expense paid trip to see this in action!

Go Imaging is so convinced that once you see the whole Go Imaging program in action you will want to become involved. With this in mind we are prepared to invite you to join us in Hamilton, Ontario to visit our showroom/training center and have a personal demonstration of this amazing business. We will forward you a map along with your confirmation.

If you live within driving distance of Hamilton we can schedule a date and time for you to visit and provide you with a complete information session and demonstration. Evening and weekend times are available but are usually booked quite quickly.

If you live farther than driving distance from Hamilton and wish to attend an information session/demonstration we can arrange this for you and cover the cost of your flights or train and accommodations (we will e-mail you a copy of terms and conditions). Both Air Canada and Westjet have regular flights into Hamilton and in most cases you could fly in and out the same day. Via Rail has excellent service and the closest stop is Aldershot. We have two vans available to pick you up at the airport or train station and transport you back. We can also assist with all arrangements and reservations. Evening and weekend times are available but are usually booked quite quickly.

If you would like to arrange a presentation and demonstration please send an email to: jim@goimaging.com

From time to time we have Information Sessions in major cities. We will inform you of any upcoming events in your area at the time you send in your Information Request Form.

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